Here is a catch up from this weeks posts…
Sunday –
People often tell me the reasons why they cant stay on top of their cleaning because they feel the need to do it all perfectly. We all struggle sometimes. Hiring a cleaning service gives you the chance to breathe.

Monday –
Maybe you’re feeling overwhelmed, uncertain and a little out of sorts with all that’s going on right now. Should you keep calm and carry on? Or should you beat yourself up & ask yourself all the questions you don’t have the answers to?
I don’t have all the answers, I’m not sure anyone does But I want you to know that we are here riding this with you. In the last few days I’ve been speaking with many businesses & clients. Here are my top takeaways that I hope will help you navigate this time.
- Try not to stress about what you cannot control, but prepare instead.
- If you can, you should make time to clear you mind, not spend your free time food shopping or cleaning without the kids. This is not you time, try the gym, running or read your favourite book.
- Have you ever had a hobby? Myself & my husband understand we need time apart to thrive. This has become quite useful especially now we are socializing less. I love to climb in peak district while he goes all around Manchester tending to his 16 beehives once a week. Now you may not like bee’s or climb mountains but find a hobby you find solace in or reboot or an old one.
- If something in your life doesn’t allow for one of the above’s, try outsourcing what you spend most of your “free” time on.
You might have been following the page or seeing my posts pop up for a while now and maybe you’ve been thinking about booking a clean. Lots of people don’t know that, during lockdown I invested in further training and equipment to ensure our customers get the best knowledge available. Helpful Home invest in Eco friendly products to reduce eczema breakouts and unscented products to reduce asthma. If you’ve got any questions, reach out.
We’re here so that you can do more with your time. Forget about your household chores and grab that coffee with a friend, or have a relaxing day at the park with your kids. Scheduled in advance so hope you can still meet a friend…

Am I alone in drying my legs and feet before stepping out of the shower? Every time my partner has one, my bathroom turns into a wetroom. It drives me crazy going in there after him, ending up with soggy feet
When starting Helpful Home, we wanted to move away from loaded terms like “maid”. We use the term “Helpful” to describe the people who are at the centre. We are uplifted when we see our staff referred to in this way, as it represents how a positive idea can take shape.