When people apply to have a clean with us one of the most common objections I hear is ‘I paid the last cleaner £10 per hour’. Like Jenny who thought that we were too expensive.

When I chatted to Jenny her biggest problem was that her cleaner was always making excuses and never turning up so she was left doing the cleaning herself.

Jenny worked long hours in a high pressure job and actually enjoyed cleaning but resented that it all fell to her. She hired a cleaner to relieve that pressure but the unpredictability of unexpectedly having to give up her Saturday morning to clean actually added to her stress.

She agreed to try Helpful Home and has now been with us 3 years. Her reason for staying is that it is just so easy and stress free that she has no reason to leave. She gets a text with arrival times, leaves the fresh bedding out and does a quick tidy round before we arrive.

Helpful Home arrive every time because we have a team dedicated to making that possible. Planning is a massive job for a cleaning company and it isn’t just fitting things into a schedule but accurately predicting additional capacity required. Having a fully trained back up team (admin and management) so that when it all goes horribly wrong behind the scenes the customers are never inconvenienced.

She doesn’t have to dash around trying to find cash because all payments are direct debit.

Lastly if her vacuum breaks, cloths not washed, run out of a product there is no knock on effect on the clean because Helpful Home provide everything and has a fully stocked laundry and store room ready for anything.

Jenny now says the cost of not using professional, well organised and trained cleaners is far higher than using them.