Home cleaner – What is the best way to mop your floor?

As a local professional home cleaner we often get asked – What is the best way to mop your floor??
The first stage of mopping for any home cleaner is a dry mop/broom/vacuum to pick up loose contamination such as dirt or food.
The second stage is the wet mop, this seems to cause so much confusion and even with a professional cleaning company there are so many different options:-
Traditional string mop – String or rags used on a pole with a bucket of water
Pro – good for hard scrubbing or textured floors
Con – Heavy, lots of surplus water, difficult to clean
Microfibre mop – Most commonly used in houses they provide a versatile solution, drying time can be restrictive
pro – designed to remove particles, good for textured floors e.g. slate
Con – lots of surplus water, often rip on textured floors, hard to remove dirty water from floor, not suitable on certain woods/laminate
Steam mop – An excellent solution for smaller areas or if you are not pushed on time and have suitable flooring
Pro – No scrubbing, lightweight to use, great for a small patch, easy to clean head, dries very quickly
Con – Restricted by cord length, can be time consuming, can damage certain woods
Flat microfibre mop – These are used in nearly all professional cleaning environments due to their efficiency and versatility and are now commonly used in domestic cleaning situations
Pro – easy to clean, covers large areas quickly, can vary the dampness, can be used to collect any particles missed by sweeping
Con – struggles on textured floors,
Disposable floor wipes – These are like strong wet wipes either used on a mop head or by hand and provide the best clean possible.
Pro – excellent cleaning, will remove every piece of dirt, very easy to replace.
Con – Environmentally unfriendly, very time consuming, very bad on textured floor, very expensive, require good physical mobility to be wiping areas by hand.
Click on the services tab If you would like to know more about the range of services that we offer to see which would work for you.
Hope this helps you select a mop that is right for you but for more information about our house cleaning prices please call Helpful Home on 0161 973 8217 and Louise or Gareth will happily chat about mopping solutions